New Directions & Current Issues

E-Learning, Web 2.0, and Digital Games
E-learning, as defined by our textbook, is “a broad term that encompasses all learning involving technology in any what whatsoever.” (Reiser & Dempsey, 2015) E-learning simply involves learning with the inclusion of electronic technology. In my current position as a classroom teacher, I try to develop and create instruction that includes some form of e-learning. This is something that I hope to improve on in the upcoming school year. The generation of students that are currently coming into our classrooms are so connected to technology, it is almost impossible to exclude e-learning in our classrooms. We do not want to exclude this type of learning because being connected through technology is a constant in our student's lives and that connection will only grow in their future.

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Web 2.0 is a term that I was unfamiliar with until I took a course over Web 2.0 tools. Web 2.0 is the current state of online technology as it compares to the early days of the Web. One of the most significant differences between Web 2.0 and the traditional World Wide Web is greater collaboration among Internet users. The social nature of Web 2.0 is another major difference between it and the original, static Web. Web 2.0 tools allow users to interact and collaborate with each other through the internet. I believe that many Web 2.0 tools can be used for e-learning. I hope to integrate more Web 2.0 tools in my classroom, such as student interaction through blogging.

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Digital Games in the classroom can be a questionable instructional strategy in some opinions. I believe that my students learn best when they are active, engaged, and interested in their learning. Games of any type can be a great instructional strategy for teachers. Digital or computer games must be well designed in order for them to support learning. In my experience, my student's enjoy playing digital games for learning. I have not had to design games myself and think that would be an area of learning and growth for myself.

Ethics: I think that the main ethical issue involved in all of the above technologies is the type of information that can be accessed via the internet.  Even with safe guard in place through our district computer system, sometimes inappropriate material does make it’s way through the filters. As teachers, we have to be very cautious and careful about the material that our student's are viewing. This s a risk that we take in order to provide our students with different learning opportunities. However, the benefits of using Web 2.0 tools and various types of e-learning outway the risks for our student's.
